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정기 시민 순회 외부 교육







2024. 1. 25 17:00 ~ 2024. 3. 4 17:00 deadline

The Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra

Jaap van Zweden, Music Director


Announces the following vacancies:


Section Trumpet

Principal Timpani


Application deadline: March 4, 2024, 17:00pm.[Korean Standard Time of Recruiting Website]

1st round audition: March 24, 2024

2nd round audition: March 26, 2024

Final round (with orchestra): March 27, 2024


All auditions will be held live in Seoul, South Korea.

- Venue: SPO rehearsal room, Sejong Center for the Performing Arts

 (175, Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea)


All questions and inquiries should be directed to the following email address

- Inquiry email: audition@seoulphil.or.kr

※ Please put "Section & Position / Name" in the subject field of each email.


○ Qualification for application

- Age: Less than 60 years old

(the current required retirement age according to SPO regulations)


○ Audition Procedure

1. Document screening - This includes the application form, resume.
- Sample Application [View]

2. The 1st and 2nd round auditions, to be held in person, are conducted blind.

3. In the 2nd round, all candidates will be asked to perform with piano accompaniment in person for their concerto.

4. At the conclusion of the 2nd round audition, up to 3 candidates per position may be selected for the final round.

 5. The final round is an ensemble evaluation where applicants will perform their audition within an ensemble of current SPO members in an orchestra rehearsal format.


○ Employment

 -  Candidates who are chosen after the auditions are completed will work as probationary members for a period of one year. At the end of the one year trial period, there will be a final evaluation to determine if the candidate will be offered the position.

    (It is possible that the probationary period could be extended up to one additional year depending on the results of the evaluation at the end of the 1st complete year.)

○ Others

- SPO’s recruiting is based on blind recruitment standards.

- The schedule above can be changed due to unforeseen circumstances.  

If the schedule changes for any reason, it will be announced on the SPO website.

- Even for the winning candidates, their acceptance can be withdrawn if they are

deemed to be ineligible for any valid reason.


○ Detailed Recruitment Notice

  채용 공고문 바로가기
    - If a problem occurs when submitting an application form on the website, please contact: audition@seoulphil.or.kr


Thank you



- Auditions_Section Trumpet [View] 

- Auditions_Principal Timpani [View] 


SPO will provide music scores as follows:

 - The Music Pdfs of the audition repertoire will be registered on the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra website on January 29, 2024.

 - 실기전형 곡 연습용 악보는 2024129() 서울시향 홈페이지에 등록할 예정입니다. (완료)

      - (악보) SPO 2024 Audition Music Pdfs [VIEW] 
Section Trumpet
Applications for these positions are open until March 03, 2024
Principal Timpani
Applications for these positions are open until March 03, 2024